HPO Concert for the Hearing Impaired
May 13th at 7:30 PM
First Ontario Concert Hall (formerly Hamilton Place)
Did you know?
By the age of 60, almost 50% of people suffer from some kind of hearing loss. Hearing aids (HAs) are a useful part of the solution, but they are often not optimized for music listening and playing. Thus, music listening can be a frustrating experience for hearing aid users. McMaster University’s LIVELab is actively working to solve this problem, in conjunction with the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra. We are evaluating current systems for assisting people with hearing loss in concert settings and finding ways to improve them.
We are excited to announce that we will be conducting a study at a live performance of the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra on May 13th at the First Ontario Concert Hall.
We are looking for hearing aid users who are interested in attending this performance and being part of this study.
Information below:
- PRIOR TO THE CONCERT: We will determine your eligibility with a recent audiogram. If you do not have an audiogram from the past year, we can perform one in our lab at the LIVELab or McMaster Innovation Park.
- If you are eligible, you may be selected to be fit with special hearing aids a few weeks before the concert on May 13th at McMaster Innovation Park. Some participants will use their own HAs during the concert.
- All participants will attend a training session at the LIVELab on how to use the technology for the study.
- Participants will need to arrive one hour early to the concert on May 13th.
- All participants will receive a free ticket to the performance and parking passes for visits to LIVELab and McMaster Innovation Park.
If you are interested in participating in this unique research opportunity or for information, please contact:
hpohears@mcmaster.ca or 905-525-9140 ext 25483
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance from the McMaster Research Ethics Board #1975