Strata Vocal Ensemble began with a group of friends from various choirs who loved to sing, laugh, and perform a wide variety of music. Out of this group, Strata evolved as a performance choir doing 2 or 3 concerts per year. After taking a full season to bond and build repertoire, we gave our first concert in June, 2005.
In Strata, we strive to keep a communal approach both to programming and to musical interpretation. Choristers are welcome to put forward suggestions to enhance the music. We also have a committee of volunteers that meets in the summer to plan concerts. We truly believe that working together will produce a better product.
In March of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic hit with us only 3 rehearsals in for our spring concert. The whole choral world went quiet. Now, 2 ½ years later, we are planning to resume concert-making… with great zeal, I might add! The whole world is itching to “get back to normal”, and particularly to live concerts, and we are itching to perform for you.