The Performance
Explore the rich musical culture of France with HPO Composer-in-Residence Abigail Richardson-Schulte. From the fiery passion of Georges Bizet to the shimmering elegance of Maurice Ravel and the playful wit of Jacques Ibert, this talk examines the defining characteristics of French composition. Through captivating storytelling and video recordings of HPO performances, discover how these composers shaped the French musical identity and influenced generations to come. Don’t miss this chance to experience the beauty and brilliance of French classical music on the big screen!
This event is part of the series Musically Speaking co-presented by the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra and The Westdale. This is a series of fascinating music appreciation talks with performances on the big screen! HPO Composer-in-Residence Abigail Richardson-Schulte shares captivating stories about some of history’s most celebrated composers. Each talk features unique video recordings from HPO performances. Traverse music history with The Westdale and the HPO in this brand-new series!
Abigail Richardson-Schulte