How to Book the HPO
Throughout the year, HPO musicians perform throughout the city of Hamilton and beyond, reaching community members in accessible settings so that live orchestral music can be enjoyed by all! We partner with businesses to perform concerts at their events, and we hit the big stages during Hamilton’s summer music festivals.
We also present talks and panel discussions in the community. This includes music history and appreciation talks, as well as topics related to connections between music and one’s mental and physical health. Composer-in-Residence Abigail Richardson-Schulte and HPO musicians have frequently offered talks and presentations in partnership with organizations throughout the region.
Want to bring the HPO to your event, community center or library branch? Drop us a note! Contact us by email or phone and tell us about your event.
Please contact HPO Community Engagement Manager Megan Nourse at, or by calling 905-526-1677 ext. 209 for more information about booking the orchestra, ensembles and speakers for audiences of all ages.